Scottieluvr's Doghouse - eclectic, diverse and creative Vern's Didj

Vern's Taurus 45

Jenewein Farms



The Legacy - a family history

This portion of is dedicated to our family heritage. Long hours and many days went into researching each family direct line, as well as indirect. Some lines never even left the front door, whereas others crossed “the pond” into 16th century Europe. Many helped shape what the United States is today. Exciting nonetheless, no matter what the data offered up, or where it landed.

Much of this collection was dependent upon other’s knowledge, discoveries and even assumptions. So like everyone else, much of this data cannot be construed as “gospel”, instead accept everything as “probable”. However, enjoy the knowing and uncovering.

FAMILES RESEARCHED: Bernhardt / Craft / Burns / Davis / Drown / Dumire / Dumire, Charles / Foos / Ginther / Jenewein (Jennewein) / Knotts (Knott, Notts, Nott) / Leishear (Liesear, Lasear, Lisher, Lishure, etc) / Lipscomb / Malone / Reichel / Redmiles / Tate / Warner / Winters (Winter) / Zick


Resources include but not limited to: