Greetings from the world of Vernon and Pamela. originated from my being owned by a Scottish terrier named, Sir Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk; aka Bennigan or “Ben”. He passed away Oct 2007 to old age. Even so, I, Pamela could not give up a cherished moniker, “scottieluvr” that I possessed for over a decade.
We and this web site reside in rural southwestern Michigan, 2 miles from the shores of Lake Michigan. On ten farming acres we grow a variety of nut trees, fruit trees and bushes; hopefully our retirement in the near future. We grow hazel, walnut, and heart nuts, but looking to add pecans and almonds. Fruit includes peach, grape, wine grape, strawberry, and apple.
Although I have not worked outside the home for about 4 years, Vern works for a local winery. Otherwise our time is spent engaging in numerous hobbies. For Vern its guns, photography, home beer brewing, wine and cheese making, and posting to his many favorite internet forums. A native Midwesterner, Vern is, and always will be, a die-hard Nebraska Cornhusker. Even going so far to wearing his Husker T-shirt during ALL Michigan-Nebraska College games; he does live dangerously!
I enjoy reading, journaling, genealogy, sewing, jewelry making, and a host of other creative outlets. This includes landscaping and gardening on the one acre zoned as part of the home. I also devote attention to my many pet children: two finches, Lumi and Fumi (French for light and dark); two cats, Leo (10 yrs) and Snickers (17 yrs); two Toy Fox Terriers, Finn and Echo (3 yr old siblings). I am also grandma to three cats: Zoey a Bengal cat, Romeo a domestic tabby and Joey a Maine Coon. New to the family are Batman and Robin, adorable miniature dachshunds. Other activities include building personal web sites, creating graphics, and a host of other things that strike my fancy.
Our immediate family is intriguing; comprising of five children and six grandchildren. They reside within several states: Colorado, California, Nebraska and Michigan. Vernon and I have family in the other states as well; parents, siblings and other kin folks. We are spread far and wide, even over seas.